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What is Basic Programming?
What is Basic Programming? Basic programming is a basic software course taught as a semester in the relevant departments of universities, where the basics of everything a software developer needs to know in order to start software are taught and which helps to put this basic theoretical education into practice. In fact, video games emerge from the combination of many fields and even various branches of art. You can both read about this topic and watch it as a video at the bottom.
Introduction and Getting Started with the Topic
Basic programming is the point where a software developer candidate who wants to learn software should start. In fact, it is almost impossible to explain the subject, which was covered in a whole semester at the university, in a few lines here, so my plan, at least with this content, is to tell you what the subject is and explain how you can learn it.
Thanks to this course, you will learn the history of the computer, its working logic and introduction to software, and thanks to this course, you will learn the basics of the job instead of doing things by heart. Be aware that learning the basics will incredibly accelerate the transition to a new field. This course will teach you the basics of data structures, Operators, Conditions and Iteration Statements will also be learned thanks to this course.
Error Starting Software with Language
Friends, we have all encountered many times: people who say “start programming in this language” or “I will learn such and such a language, what should I do?” Friends, do not start programming by learning a language, you will make a big mistake. Of course, if your aim is to just do a job in one field by heart, I can’t say anything, but as soon as you really say you will be a software developer, you need to start the subject with Basic Programming and Algorithms.
Software is a structure based on problem solving, and it is essential to establish an Algorithm, that is, the logic that will develop the solution, for the methods of this solution. Basic programming is the basis of preparing the software that will enable us to produce the solution to the problem for which we have established the algorithm. If you skip this step by heart, your job will become very difficult or even impossible in the future when you need to change fields or want to develop with different specializations within your field. For this reason, do not start software by learning a language.
Field Independence and Moving Away from Memorization
First of all, I would like to tell you what field independence is. Becoming field independent essentially means specializing in one field, but when it becomes necessary to switch to different fields in the future, switching to those fields by learning the necessary software languages. In fact, basic programming shows us its importance at this point. If your basic programming knowledge is well established and you do not have problems when establishing algorithms or examining data structures, rest assured that you can quickly move into a new field.
So, what benefit will we have in turning to this new field? First of all, it will strengthen your place in your business by providing you with the freedom to work in different departments when necessary and therefore becoming a more valuable employee. Afterwards, it will definitely help you overcome many bottlenecks when developing a project on your own.
What Topics Does It Include?
So, what units does this subject, Basic programming, consist of? Each of the headings I have given below is a unit and is also a keyword to be used in your research.
Development of Computers and Programming
Storing Data on a Computer
Data Processing on Computer
Processor Architecture
Basic Concepts in Programming Introduction to Basic Software Languages
High Level Programming Languages
Data Types and Definitions
Operators, Conditionals, and Iteration Statements
Arrays, Pointers, and Strings
The Importance of Hardware Information
When we write a software, we must run it within a system, no matter what field or expertise we are in. If we, as software developers, do not have hardware knowledge, we cannot create structures with successful optimization. Just writing clean code or building fast algorithms will not get us results. For these reasons, knowing hardware architecture is very important and it is definitely explained in a section of the Basic Programming course.
Summary of the Topic
To summarize the subject, the answer to the question of what is basic programming is actually a basic programming course, and the topics in this course will help you create a solid foundation for becoming a software developer.